
Friday 25 July 2014

Bow Tie Girl

Hey there! 
Welcome to the Art by Mi Ran blog !
We are delighted you could come see what the DT has created using more of Mi Ran's amazing designs.
I,  Amanda Phillips get to host our blog for the day! How  EXCITING!!!
Today I colored for you the Girl with a Bow Tie image !
I have a eclectic/ vintage home with many little items here and there, some of them being my collection of canes. When I seen this image it reminded me how my little girl would once use all my collection while she played. Nothing but happy memory's  occur within a mothers heart than to see her 5 year old daughter dance like no one is watching.

For more details come visit me me here!
Also come follow and join us over on our Facebook page to have even more Art By Mi Ran FUN!

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