
Friday 1 August 2014

Art By Mi Ran - Smart Samantha

This is Irene hosting today's site here at ArtbyMiran.
Wow oh wow, Are you getting your kids ready to head back to school soon?
Or maybe you are a Grandma, Grandpa, Aunt, Uncle, brother or sister of someone about
 to head back to school.
What a great digi Smart Samantha is for that special one going back to school.
I put her in front of this tree and pathway to give a "full scene" but you
sure don't have to.  She is great all by herself.  I flipped her around facing the
other direction in my Word program so she could "walk" right up the pathway.
Jump on over to ArtbyMiran and purchase this great digi here.

This is Smart Samantha.

We would love for you to become a follower of  our blog , along with visiting 
our shop to see all of the wonderful images artbymiran has to offer!

There is an artbymiran Facebook Page, where we offer Monthly Challenges. 
We would love for you to come join us and get to know Mi Ran and the DT.
We also have bi-weekly challenges at the Artbymiran Challenge Blog!
Come and join in and have some fun with us.
Well, we will see you again real soon and thanks for stopping by to see what I created for you today.


  1. Awesome colouring and the tree and stepping stones are amazing.
    {Doing Life – my personal blog}

  2. oh WOW, fantastic background with this wonderful image...
    Beautifully colored!
