
Friday 7 November 2014


Good morning, its Desire  here and I hope you are all keeping well.

Our theme for November is NON CHRISTMAS COLOURS.

One has to pinch oneself to realise it is already November 2014 with only a few to Christmas. Where has 2014 gone too?  But at least I managed to tick of another Christmas card, thanks to this cutie pie created by Mi Ran. She is called  ELFIE ELIZABETH.  Elfie looks like she is so excited to hand out those lovely gifts. You can purchase ELFIE ELIZABETH here

The folded pin wheels have been created with scalloped square punches.  She has been coloured with Copics.  I have decided to use non traditional Christmas colours to go with ABM's theme for November. Hope you like the aqua and pink colours. 

Thanks so much for stopping by and we hope you will visit us again.

Creative Hugs

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